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11 Ideas for Animal Crossing New Horizons Entrance

11 Ideas for Animal Crossing New Horizons Entrance

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, your entrance is the first thing visitors see when they land. It’s the first impression they get, so it’s critical to make it look spectacular. If you have trouble thinking up ideas, you might wonder if there are any ideas out there for your entrance. What can you turn yours into with so many options?

Read on to learn about eleven simple concepts for your Animal Crossing: New Horizons entrance. With some work, you will have an entry point that will dazzle anyone who comes to visit.

Island-Inspired Entrance

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is an island game. If you want to be really on the nose, you can make your entryway go along with this theme. Make your entrance into a tropical space that will make any visitor feel like they’re about to go on vacation.

Some items that can make your entryway tropical include:

  • Palm trees
  • Sand
  • Waterfalls
  • Tropical-colored flowers

All of these can assist you with that island theme.

It’s up to you to determine what goes along with your island. A tropical theme will make your island into a literal paradise.

Waterfall Entrance

Once you have the terraforming ability, you can do something incredible in Animal Crossing – create waterfalls. These roaring features can form a grand entrance for anyone who walks onto your island.

You can create one as a centerpiece or line up several of them in a guided pathway of sorts. With the volume up, the spectacle is both visual and auditory.

Diagonal Bridge Entrance

A diagonal bridge makes more of a statement in an island entrance than one straight-on does. It allows you to create a little “waiting room” right out of the airport. You can theme this in any way you like. The visitor must cross your diagonal bridge to enter the island.

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there are many bridges to choose from on the island. A few you can pick include:

  • Stone bridge
  • Suspension bridge
  • Wooden bridge

Each of these goes along with a different aesthetic.

A diagonal bridge adds an air of mystery to your island. Where is the visit headed? If you love that concept, this is for you.

Fountain Entrance

The fountain available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a beautiful piece. You can make a courtyard as your entryway, placing the fountain at the center. Visitors can relax here before they move out into the rest of your island.

Whether you select cobblestone, brick, or wood, this space is like a natural waiting room for those who come to be with you. You might as well take advantage of the unique beauty that comes with the fountain.

Stepping Stones Entrance

Stepping stones make for a fun entrance. All you need is a water feature, and you can terraform several spaced-out blocks to make visitors leap their way into the space. You can place designs on the blocks to make the blocks into literal stones.

This version is the entrance for you if you want to add a little fun to your opening space. Keep in mind that you’ll need to hop every time you want to get to your airport. It’s a pleasant and beautiful inconvenience.

Garden Entrance

Everybody loves a garden. If you want to flex your green thumb, you can make a garden as your entryway. The stunning colors and floral arrangements are sure to impress anyone.

Some items you can use to form your garden entrance might include:

  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Rocks
  • Shrubbery

A combination of these will make for a mystical space.

You can make a simple flower garden or something more complex like a hedge maze. Whatever you decide, the naturalistic addition will fit in nicely with the island environment.

Pathway Entrance 

If you like simplicity, you can always lay down a simple pathway for visitors to follow into your town. This path can be walled-in or exposed to open air.

You can line the path with anything – carpets, dirt, cobblestone. The options are endless with this simple piece.

Gateway Entrance

There are a few gateways available on Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Some of these can be purchased, while others will need crafting. You can make these a centerpiece of your entryway, the gateway to what you’ve made.

Some of the best gateways you can find include:

  • Stone archways
  • Celebratory archways
  • Shell archways

Each is one-of-a-kind in the way they look.

Beach-lovers can emphasize a shell arch, while those who prefer something natural will love the stone version. If you’re a fan of these, there’s something out there for you to use.

Forest Entrance

A forest makes quite a statement. It also obscures your island from view, making the entrance into the space far grander than if you were to do nothing. It’s a natural version of a wall that is purer and fits in with the island landscape.

There are several types of trees you can select from to create an entrance. Some of these include:

  • Fruit trees
  • Pine trees
  • Wood trees

Each says a different thing about your aesthetic.

You can replant trees from around your island or plant new ones. It takes more work than terraforming a wall, but it’s worth it.

Statue Entrance

If you want class, you can make terraformed layers and place your prized possessions on top. This entrance is a great way to display the expensive items you’ve obtained.

Some examples of pieces you can display on your terraformed layers include:

  • Exclusive Nintendo pieces
  • Trophies
  • Rare masks, paintings

Up here, your visitors will immediately know your status.

If you don’t know what else to do with expensive pieces, you might as well show them off. This entrance is ideal for those who love their items.

Lake Entrance

Finally, you can take advantage of the water terraforming ability and make your entryway a water-based adventure. You can make a pathway that leads to your island and surround it with water, making for a shocking spectacle for anyone who flies into your space.

You can make the water vast or create a small lake around your path. You can even make branches that sprout off into the water, leading to different places on your island. It takes up room in an impressive manner.


Now that you have some ideas for your Animal Crossing: New Horizons entrance, you can get to work creating your own masterpiece! There are countless options for you to choose from, no matter what your island aesthetic is.

With a grand entrance, visitors and villagers alike are sure to be astounded before they see the rest of your island. It’s up to you to make it fit your idea of perfection. With any luck, these tips will guide you to the ideal selection.

11 Ideas for Animal Crossing New Horizons Entrance

11 Ideas for Animal Crossing New Horizons Entrance

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, your entrance is the first thing visitors see when they land. It’s the first impression they get, so it’s critical to make it look spectacular. If you have trouble thinking up ideas, you might wonder if there are any ideas out there for your entrance. What can you turn yours into with so many options?

Read on to learn about eleven simple concepts for your Animal Crossing: New Horizons entrance. With some work, you will have an entry point that will dazzle anyone who comes to visit.

Island-Inspired Entrance

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is an island game. If you want to be really on the nose, you can make your entryway go along with this theme. Make your entrance into a tropical space that will make any visitor feel like they’re about to go on vacation.

Some items that can make your entryway tropical include:

  • Palm trees
  • Sand
  • Waterfalls
  • Tropical-colored flowers

All of these can assist you with that island theme.

It’s up to you to determine what goes along with your island. A tropical theme will make your island into a literal paradise.

Waterfall Entrance

Once you have the terraforming ability, you can do something incredible in Animal Crossing – create waterfalls. These roaring features can form a grand entrance for anyone who walks onto your island.

You can create one as a centerpiece or line up several of them in a guided pathway of sorts. With the volume up, the spectacle is both visual and auditory.

Diagonal Bridge Entrance

A diagonal bridge makes more of a statement in an island entrance than one straight-on does. It allows you to create a little “waiting room” right out of the airport. You can theme this in any way you like. The visitor must cross your diagonal bridge to enter the island.

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there are many bridges to choose from on the island. A few you can pick include:

  • Stone bridge
  • Suspension bridge
  • Wooden bridge

Each of these goes along with a different aesthetic.

A diagonal bridge adds an air of mystery to your island. Where is the visit headed? If you love that concept, this is for you.

Fountain Entrance

The fountain available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a beautiful piece. You can make a courtyard as your entryway, placing the fountain at the center. Visitors can relax here before they move out into the rest of your island.

Whether you select cobblestone, brick, or wood, this space is like a natural waiting room for those who come to be with you. You might as well take advantage of the unique beauty that comes with the fountain.

Stepping Stones Entrance

Stepping stones make for a fun entrance. All you need is a water feature, and you can terraform several spaced-out blocks to make visitors leap their way into the space. You can place designs on the blocks to make the blocks into literal stones.

This version is the entrance for you if you want to add a little fun to your opening space. Keep in mind that you’ll need to hop every time you want to get to your airport. It’s a pleasant and beautiful inconvenience.

Garden Entrance

Everybody loves a garden. If you want to flex your green thumb, you can make a garden as your entryway. The stunning colors and floral arrangements are sure to impress anyone.

Some items you can use to form your garden entrance might include:

  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Rocks
  • Shrubbery

A combination of these will make for a mystical space.

You can make a simple flower garden or something more complex like a hedge maze. Whatever you decide, the naturalistic addition will fit in nicely with the island environment.

Pathway Entrance 

If you like simplicity, you can always lay down a simple pathway for visitors to follow into your town. This path can be walled-in or exposed to open air.

You can line the path with anything – carpets, dirt, cobblestone. The options are endless with this simple piece.

Gateway Entrance

There are a few gateways available on Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Some of these can be purchased, while others will need crafting. You can make these a centerpiece of your entryway, the gateway to what you’ve made.

Some of the best gateways you can find include:

  • Stone archways
  • Celebratory archways
  • Shell archways

Each is one-of-a-kind in the way they look.

Beach-lovers can emphasize a shell arch, while those who prefer something natural will love the stone version. If you’re a fan of these, there’s something out there for you to use.

Forest Entrance

A forest makes quite a statement. It also obscures your island from view, making the entrance into the space far grander than if you were to do nothing. It’s a natural version of a wall that is purer and fits in with the island landscape.

There are several types of trees you can select from to create an entrance. Some of these include:

  • Fruit trees
  • Pine trees
  • Wood trees

Each says a different thing about your aesthetic.

You can replant trees from around your island or plant new ones. It takes more work than terraforming a wall, but it’s worth it.

Statue Entrance

If you want class, you can make terraformed layers and place your prized possessions on top. This entrance is a great way to display the expensive items you’ve obtained.

Some examples of pieces you can display on your terraformed layers include:

  • Exclusive Nintendo pieces
  • Trophies
  • Rare masks, paintings

Up here, your visitors will immediately know your status.

If you don’t know what else to do with expensive pieces, you might as well show them off. This entrance is ideal for those who love their items.

Lake Entrance

Finally, you can take advantage of the water terraforming ability and make your entryway a water-based adventure. You can make a pathway that leads to your island and surround it with water, making for a shocking spectacle for anyone who flies into your space.

You can make the water vast or create a small lake around your path. You can even make branches that sprout off into the water, leading to different places on your island. It takes up room in an impressive manner.


Now that you have some ideas for your Animal Crossing: New Horizons entrance, you can get to work creating your own masterpiece! There are countless options for you to choose from, no matter what your island aesthetic is.

With a grand entrance, visitors and villagers alike are sure to be astounded before they see the rest of your island. It’s up to you to make it fit your idea of perfection. With any luck, these tips will guide you to the ideal selection.