Not just anyone can run the Boston Marathon. Participants must “qualify,” meaning they must meet certain requirements to even be considered. These qualifications depend based on one’s age and gender. Yet, the organizers make certain exceptions for those who don’t meet certain standards. Here, I’ll talk about how you can run the Boston Marathon without …
The Boston Marathon has risen to fame as one of the world’s most notable marathons; people come from all over to participate. However, you may be wondering why this is the case and how the marathon ended up being such a big deal in the first place. The Boston Marathon is famous for many …
Every year, tennis players try their skills at the US Open, a tennis tournament generally held in the last week of August and the first week of September. Athletes first compete in the Qualifying Matches, which determines the 16 men and the 16 women that will play. From there, they compete in matches depending on …
The US Open is one of four tennis competitions that make up the Grand Slam. It’s usually held in the last week of August and the first week of September, as the tournament takes two weeks. Players compete for prize money, trophies, and titles. The USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center hosts the US …