What kind of homeschool mom challenges do we face?
As I sit here thinking about another school year, I don’t feel my usual excitement as a homeschool mom. As a veteran homeschooler, I know the challenges I will face this year. I no longer have the rose colored glasses on, thinking my days will be perfect. That my children will listen without bickering and they will love to learn every subject. It just doesn’t happen that way.
I have a 6th grader and a preschooler this year. My 6th grader is in the pre-teen stage, with heart issues I’ve had to correct several times this week. My preschooler loves to learn but doesn’t want to sit still long. I’m not sure I’m ready to teach another child how to read or deal with a pre-teen but it’s happening whether I’m ready or not.
I’ve been asked several times why I homeschool. Yes, it would be easier not too…well maybe. I’m sure sending them to school would have challenges in itself. In my experience, homeschool parents have to be thick skinned and strong in their resolve to teach at home. Otherwise, we’ll give into the pressures from outside influences such as family, friends or church members. Or we’ll give into the bus calling our name on those difficult days at home.
I am reminding myself, as we are embarking on another school year, all of the reasons why I homeschool. I desire to teach my children how to be Godly young women. I want them to be able to flourish in the subjects they love without anything holding them back. I want them to love learning. I want them to know God is the center of all learning. I want them to have strong biblical teaching. I want to follow Deuteronomy 6:5-7:
5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk to them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
I want them to walk in the path God would have in their life, and for us, He is leading us down this path of homeschooling. There are so many more reasons we choose to homeschool. My convictions are strong but my flesh is sometimes weak.
But, I resolve to go that extra mile, to follow my convictions and do the best I can. This year, I’m not going to be perfect, my children aren’t perfect but we will do our best to follow God’s plan for our lives. This year, I’m going to relax, and enjoy the little things more. Take a few breaks when we need it and try not to stress over the small stuff. Schooling a child is a big responsibility I don’t take lightly but I also need to relax a little and lean on God more. To school without stress is my goal!
If you are a homeschool parent or thinking about homeschooling, I hope you find some encouragement from this post. Not everyday is easy but the good days outweigh the bad, ten fold. The opportunity to homeschool gives you moments you’ll cherish with your children. They grow up so fast. I am resolving to stop and smell the roses more. To cherish the moments a little more because they will be gone too soon.
Blessings in your homeschool adventures!
Learn More
If you are interested, make sure to check out the homeschool section on Amazon. You can buy guides and even planners to help you easily get through the homeschool years.
Miranda Guzman
Wednesday 17th of August 2016
Thank you for sharing :) Homeschooling is a challenge for sure especially when you are running a business too! My boys are now 11,9, 6.