Congratulations, you and your partner decided to raise your relationship to a higher level and move under the same roof. But before you start packing, you have to think well is that a good decision for you? I find this question very interesting, because this is the next steep of relationship. Researching this topic, I learned what statistics say and here are some interesting things about it.
So How Long Should You Date Before Moving In Together? The best time to put your dating to the next level so that you and your partner start living together is after 25 months of relationship. Research shows that it is the best time because you had plenty of time to get to know each other and you know the needs of each other.
The relationship is like a trip, and if you do not move forward, you can get stuck and make you to think what kind of future is there, waiting for you. And then, if you have a good-looking men/girl, your minds begin to shake your thoughts on a common life. Quite normal, but we must mention: YOU do not have to live together at all costs. If you do this for the wrong reason, let’s say, just because you believe your relationship should be in a new phase, this can result in a catastrophe way. So there are few questions to be consider with you and your partner before you go living together.
Every new decision brings new changes. Some of these changes will not be a problem, while for others, you will need to put some effort. Love is GIVING, so if you love the person with whom you are ready to live, you need to find some golden middle. Article about “When Does Dating Becomes a Relationship?” is also closely related to this topic so you can view it HERE.
How to Find Out If it’s Time to Live Together?

You’ve been in a relationship for some time, you love each other and you started talking about getting your relationship to a higher level and moving together. But are you ready for a common life? If you can honestly answer these questions with certainty, then you are ready to live together.
Do you already spend most of your time together in your home or in partner house? If the answer is ‘yes’, ask yourself whether your partner is squeezing you, while you are together? If you both enjoy spending time together,then you are good candidate to start sharing the phone line and refrigerator.
Do you want to live together for a number of reasons, not just financial ones? Two people really can live cheaper than one. That is no reason for a common life, your relationship is not on good grounds if that’s the only reason. It’s more important that you agree well and that you enjoy each other.
Can you arrange where to live together, with you, with him or in a new place? Be honest. Do you have enough room, stuff for things, do you have enough space in general. You have enough time to talk about such things before you make the final decision. If your partner has lived with his ex, will you be comfortable in that area, or would you rather search for a new one?
Is your partner at the same time your best friend? Do you first contact your partner when you have a problem and whether they respond to it by making it easier for you? If you answered positively, you have a chance. Choosing a common life is a big step, but maybe these questions at least help you to be safer in the next move.
Important Things to Learn Before Moving In Together
There are some things you think they can’t even make a little impact on the relationship, but they actually have a very big impact. Did you decide to rearrange the room, change something in the house without the knowledge of your partner? Perhaps this does not make sense to you. But if your partner does not want to give up the old armchair left by his grandmother, and you’re sick of looking at it, can you deal with it? It’s not easy. Some things can not be done without the permission of another person, but of course you do not have to keep bills if you think you are right, but communication should definitely exist.
Think about all the details,work together and try to find some compromise about when there is a situation that will require both sides to agree. Communication is the number one thing that needs to exist, especially if you live together.
5 Rules You Must Know Before You Start Living Together

Shared life is a great pleasure, but also an obligation that you need to prepare yourself as well. That’s why it is important for you and your partner to talk before moving together and to solve the potential problems, which your life can provide.
1. Explain Your Needs Clearly.
Do you always want to be with your partner and rarely get separated from him? Or are you more a guy/girl who loves peace, quiet and retreats every day to your little corner? It is normal to have different desires and needs, but it requires a great deal of understanding. So immediately present your expectations to each other.
2. Plan Joint Activities.
Do not let your life became your couch, and before you moved to live together you were an active couple. Many couples catch laziness after moving away. They easily ‘inflame’ to the feeling that they need nothing more to do because they are always together. Such thinking will bring you to monotony and dissatisfaction. We all love to spend time and watching our favourite bands, but that does not have to be a priority. Once a week, make a date: go to the cinema, walk around the city, go on a short trip on weekends. If you like to be at home, plan a joint dinner cooking and organise a marathon of watching your favourite TV series.
3. Respect the Partner’s Schedule.
You are very likely to have different tempo of life and commitment. You may work in shifts, so you can get up or go to sleep at another time. None of you will change your schedule. However, you have to adjust it somehow. Do not be angry if sometimes your partner wakes up early when he is getting ready for work. Neither should you mind if you are late(and loudly) preparing your dinner while he is trying to fall a sleep.
4. Make Sure You Agree Who is Chef in Kitchen.
You both are in love with cooking and you will not be ‘quarrelling’ who will spend more time in kitchen. More often happens that only one person loves or knows to cook, meaning they will always be “convicted” to kitchen. If you are a chef in the relationship, ask your partner to help you at least in some parts of the preparation. Chopping or cleaning is a boring job anyway. You can also go shopping for food instead. The same applies if he is the ‘main’ chef. Always be ready to jump and help him.
5. Properly Distribute Housework Jobs.
Housework jobs are easier if you work together and distribute them properly. No one loves them and does not want to do it, but that’s part of everyday life and something we have to do. Specify a day or a time reserved for cleaning and both of you must engage. For example, after dinner, wash dishes together.
Related Questions:
How Much is Sex Important When you Live Together? It may seem that common life will work well on your sexual life because you will always be close to your partner. But the libido often weakens after moving at the same roof. For this, the main culprit is fatigue and routine that ‘eats’ you. So make sure the passion does not disappear, as this could become another cause of dissatisfaction.
Learn More
If you are interested in learning more about dating, then consider checking out this book about dating on Amazon.