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Red Eye on English Bulldog: Here’s What To Do

Red Eye on English Bulldog: Here’s What To Do

If your English Bulldog’s eyes appear red, it can be a sign of several different problems. Moreover, red eyes can cause discomfort and irritation. So, you need to know about the causes of red eyes and the ways to treat them.

Red Eye on English Bulldog: What to do? You should take your dog to the vet as fast as possible if you observe red eyes in them. The doctor will prescribe the treatment depending on the cause. Some of the causes of red eyes include:

  • Uveitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Pink eye
  • Dry eye
  • Cherry eye

Also, you should know how to take care of your dog’s eyes and how to prevent this condition from happening again.

Related: Why Your Bulldog is Always Scratching and How to Help

What Causes Red Eyes in English BullDogs?

To know more about this condition, let’s learn about the causes of red eyes in English Bulldogs.


Uveitis is the inflammation of your pet’s eye. Some of the causes of uveitis include infectious diseases, immune-mediated disease, corneal ulcers, and trauma to the eye. Symptoms of this condition include eye redness, light sensitivity, eye cloudiness, rubbing at the eye, and excessive tearing. If left unattended, this condition can cause serious harm to your pet’s eye and vision impairment.


Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the pressure within your English Bulldog’s eyes is increased. This condition is caused by insufficient drainage of fluid. If glaucoma is left untreated or becomes chronic, it can cause damage to the optic nerve and result in blindness. Sadly, 40% of glaucoma-affected dogs will become blind within the first year, even with the best treatment.

Corneal Ulcers

Corneal ulcers happen when deeper layers of the cornea are damaged. The cornea is a transparent tissue that protects the eyes from infections. You should know that there are many causes of corneal ulcers in English Bulldogs. Corneal ulcers may result from a chemical burn that happens when a chemical or substance gets in your pet’s eye. Trauma can also cause corneal ulcers.

Pink Eye

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, happens when a membrane called conjunctiva becomes inflamed. The conjunctiva covers the eyeballs and the inner surface of the eyelids. The inflammation of this mucous membrane causes redness. Conjunctivitis can be caused by pollen and dust.

Dry Eye

Medically known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca,dry eye happens when your pet’s eyes fail to produce sufficient tear film. Tears protect the cornea from harmful substances and debris and keep it wet. The cornea becomes inflamed and dry without tears, though. In addition to being painful, the inflammation makes your pet’s eyes look red.

Cherry Eye

It is a common condition found in English Bulldogs. Dogs have a third eyelid situated in the corner of the lower eyelid. This third eyelid, which is also called the nictitating membrane, has a tear gland. Usually, this tear gland is not visible in healthy pets. However, in some English Bulldogs, the tear gland will protrude out. And when that happens, the gland comes in contact with the air and loses moisture, causing red thickened appearance and irritation. This is called a cherry eye.


You may observe other signs together with redness.

  • Yellow or green discharges
  • Too much blinking
  • Rubbing of eyes
  • Squinting
  • Swelling

How to Treat Red Eyes in English Bulldogs?

Red eyes in your dog need timely attention. You should take your pet to the vet immediately if you observe red eyes in your dog. Tell the doctor when the problem began and also about the symptoms you observed.

The most important thing to remember is that you should not treat the problem yourself. Your vet has the necessary equipment, skills, and knowledge to check your English Bulldog’s eyes and determine the cause. This is one time when home treatment is not a good idea.

Don’t delay. If not treated quickly, eye issues can turn into serious complications. So, take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.


The vet will perform several tests to find the exact cause of red eyes. These tests may include:

  • Blood tests: To find underlying medical problems, your pet’s vet may carry out blood tests.
  • Fluorescein eye stain test: This test uses blue light and fluorescein (an orange dye) to detect foreign substances in your English Bulldog’s eyes. In addition to this, the fluorescein eye stain test can also detect problems on the corneal surface.
  • Tonometry: In this test, your dog’s vet will use a device called a tonometer to measure the internal pressure of your dog’s eye.
  • Schirmer tear test: This exam will test the production of tears. Your vet may also collect a fluid sample from the eyes to check for a bacterial infection.
  • Ophthalmologic test: In the ophthalmologic test, the vet will examine all the structures of the eye.

Medications and Treatments

Your dog’s vet will suggest treatments based on the diagnosis and findings. The doctor will recommend medications such as cyclosporine if your English Bulldog has dry eyes. This medication works to encourage the production of tears.

In the case of a cherry eye, the doctor will perform surgery to reposition the third eyelid gland. Dog antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines are some other treatments.

If the veterinarian believes that the red eyes are due to corneal damage, they will put some fluorescent green dye drops on your dog’s cornea to check for corneal scratches.

Eye medications come in the form of eye ointments or drops. If you are unaware of how to administer medicines, ask your dog’s vet. We have also found a YouTube video that shows how to give eye medications to your pet. Check it out.

Managing Your English Bulldog’s Eyes After Treatment

If your English Bulldog has dry eyes, you will have to apply topical medications regularly. Additionally, you will need to regularly use an eyewash prescribed by the vet to clean your pet’s eyes.

If your English Bulldog’s eyes are irritated by pollen and dust, then you may need to dust your house often. And you also need to make sure that your dog does not spend too much time outside when the count of pollen is high.

Besides, you should know that the cherry eye can happen again post-surgery. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you should monitor your dog’s eyes regularly. And don’t forget to visit your pet’s doctor every six to 12 months.

Valuable Tips to Care for Your English Bulldog’s Eyes

Here are some essential tips to keep your English Bulldog’s eyes healthy.

  • Examine your Bulldog’s eyes regularly for signs of infection. Ensure that the whites of your pet’s eyes are clear. Observe the eyes for swelling and discharge.
  • Keep in mind to wash your pet’s eyes once a week. Use eye wipes and sterile eyewash to clean the eyes.
  • If you observe tear stains around your pet’s eyes, remove them with a tear stain remover.
  • Apply an ophthalmic eye ointment before bathing your Bulldog.

Keep Your English Bulldog’s Eyes Healthy

Red eyes in your English Bulldog are a symptom of infection or inflammation. If your pet develops red eyes, you should take him to the vet as quickly as possible. The vet will recommend treatment for your dog’s eye redness based on the underlying cause. They may prescribe oral medication, topical medications, and injections. Above all, you should regularly monitor your English Bulldog’s eyes for signs of infection and maintain good hygiene habits to keep your pet’s eyes healthy.

Learn More

If you want to learn more about English Bulldogs or other types of Bulldogs, then consider checking out this Bulldog Handbook on Amazon.