Dating advice for high schoolers is one of the most common questions. Dating in high school can be pretty complicated sometimes, because we don’t have too much experience in the relationship and don’t know how to react in some situations. While you are in high school there are plenty of them that will gossip you around and this will create a negative atmosphere in your relationship, so you need to know how to act properly. It’s kind of inevitable cuz you’re with the same people 5 days a week the entire day, so of course people gonna fall in love, they’re gonna have crushes and you can’t avoid it no matter what high school you go to. Therefore there are more things you should know about dating in high school before you decide on this step. We’ll share some dating tips from the former students during high school so hopefully these 8 tips can help you.
1. Cheating is Never a Solution
You got to think about your actions having consequences in high school because if you do dumb things it can seem a lot bigger than normal because you are around these people all the time. You just have to think more about your actions when you are in a relationship. One of the things you need to avoid is cheating, it is the worst possible thing you coud do. If you do not agree with your partner, or you’re not happy with that person, it is better to stop it and end things. High school is a place where lot of people know you, and cheating is definitely not worth it because it will certainly come to light. This has been proven through numerous relationships that have ended with cheating. Also cheating and hiding creates great stress that you do not really need in high school. Therefore my advice is that you never indulge in cheating.
2. Do not Talk About Your Relationship Problems
In relationship in high school you’re not gonna get along with everyone, and you’re not gonna agree with them on every single thing. So sometimes you need to pick and choose what you want to talk about. If you decide to share your problems with someone, think carefully about what you are going to say and to whom. It’s known that people love to talk in high school and there’s a good chance that some rumors will start. You can’t expect good results by telling other people your problems for several reasons. The girls and guys who go with you in high school do not have enough experience to advise you, therefore they are in the same or similar position as you.
3. Not Make Your Relationship „Facebook Official“
In each relationship there is a period when you are not doing well, and then you have to be careful how you behave, especially when you go to high school. Do not share your feelings on facebook so that everyone can see and comment on them. That’s your personal thing. If you have to rant to somebody, rant to your parents or close friends – not social media. If you decide to publish such things on social media, expect that you will just attract nosy people and not people who actually care about you. Think and look around how many relationships that end up on Facebook are actually quality relationships. I think that’s a clear reason why you should not do it.
4. There Is Also a Social Life Besides Relationship
All of us during the high school are pretty busy, therefore you should find some time for your private things. We also know in high school we don’t control own schedule and we need to adjust our time. Your time also needs to be adjusted to your friends, to watch sport games, training’s and other things. Just because you’re going to high school doesn’t mean you relationship is only thing in your life, and this also applies to adults. Take time and do other things in your life away from your partner and try to live your life as you like. A lot of high school students make this mistake that all their time is focused on the relationship and when that relationship is in crisis they do not know what to do, they lose focus on grades and disrupt their life.
5. Be Open and Honest In Relationship
This is one of the most common mistakes among high school students while they are in the relationship. Try to ask clear questions, and talk openly about the issues and things around you. This can be a mistake even for older people who are in the relationship, and such things can lead to breakup. She must understand you and you must understand her, and do not force anything. It may be scary telling someone you have feelings, and talk about such things at first but this is one way of opening yourself to that persone. Of course you don’t have to talk always about everything, but you have to decide which things you do not need to say.
6. Learn How to Handle People Who Interfere Your Relationship
You will always be in the stage of relationship where someone will try to get between the two lovebirds. My advice is that you just turn the other cheek and try your hardest to ignore them, otherwise you will always find yourself in this situation. Yes, it can be so hard but it’s very possible. Because if you ignore them few times, they’ll give up and go away and it is not questionable. If those are friends who respect you, they will no longer bother you. And if they’re just some acquaintances from high school just pretend they don’t exist becouse it is usually the best bet. This is something you have to master in life sooner or later.
7. Live in the Present, Don’t Focus on Future
A lot of high school students can be found in the stage when they talk about getting married, and what are their plans for the furutre and don’t focus on the present. I do not say that you do not have to talk about this, but the focus must remain in the present especially when you are in high school. Try to concentrate more on to be happy and have fun together. You are too young, so enjoy it and live in the present. Anyway, your future depends on how you will finish high school and where to go after that.
8. Love Hurts, be Careful
We all know this, but what we don’t know is how to react when we find ourselves in this situation. To a teenager who is experiencing this, it is very important to stay calm and seek advice from your parents or friends. It is not a myth that broken hearts after a breakup are real. Remember this: “experience is the best school, only scholarship is sometimes expensive”. Therefore make mistakes while you are young so you learn as much as possible at young age what life is actually and how to deal with it. Throughout this phase of life we all have to pass, so it’s best to do it as soon as possible.
9. Don’t Rush With Sex
One of the issues that also often comes in talk in relationship is sex. A lot of teenagers think that having sex is a major benefit of being an adult and it can also be refreshing to remember a time when relationships were free from any sorts of expectations. Just remember and look back at middle school when dating may remind you how exciting was just to meet someone, hold hands and kiss without immediately getting into bed.
What is the Purpose of Teenage Relationships?
We say that dating with a young man or a girl is purpose for us to be happy and it fulfil us. The purpose of each relationship is marriage, but in teenage years (especially in high school) it is difficult to know exactly what we want from the person we date and is he the right person I want to spend my life with. So the purpose of teenage relationships is to getting to know yourself and what you really want.
When you are very young, you do not think about marriage. Mostly you are trying to generally understand the opposite sex – which is hard work enough. (Why are girls crying even when everything is okay? Why do not young men know how they feel?). In any case, it is important to strive to understand the opposite sex, because without this you will never find out what kind of person you want to marry. That is why now, when you are so young, there is not much sense to go out with someone, in other words, “dating” with someone. Still far from you, you are not ready to think about marriage and there is no real reason for you to “surrender” to a person. Going out in the groups are much better.
Is Dating in High School a Good Idea?
Lot of high school couples believes that the dating is a waste of time, especially during the years where their grades count for university and they have tendency to change their crushes frequently. Also, most of couples deal with gossip, drama, and rumors which can be very stressful during the high school. The work in high school compared to middle school is significantly harder. You have a lot of tests, seminars, homewroks, projects and all that things. And all of that can put a lot of stress on you, which makes it hard to balance. It knows to affect your mental health too. My advice is if you are looking to be in a relationship is that you make sure that you have had a crush on the girl/boy for a long time and make sure that its just not a random fling. One of the important things is also, if the girl/boy is mature and respects your space (which can be really rare for a high-school student), then you can go for it!
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Learn More
If you are interested in learning more about dating, then consider checking out this book about dating on Amazon.