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Sparkle Snowflake Art Project for Gradeschoolers | Essential Homestead

My girls enjoy art projects, I think most kids do.  They love to take a break from the regular homeschool work and do something fun. It’s a cold, snowy day here so I decided to make a sparkle snowflake art project with them.  The more sparkles the better for them.  🙂

sparkle snowflake

Comment below on some art projects your kids enjoy.

What I Need:

  • Sparkle Snowflake template
  • wax paper
  • glue
  • cotton swabs
  • glitter
  • 16″ piece of yarn/ribbon

What to Do:

  1. Lay wax paper over snowflake template.
  2. Place cotton swabs on wax paper following design to form a snowflake.
  3. Trace cotton swabs with glue and puddle glue in the middle to make swabs stay together.
  4. Add glitter over entire project to make snowflake sparkle.  Allow to dry.
  5. Loop yarn or ribbon around the top of a cotton swab and hang.
  6. You can also add glue and glitter to the backside before hanging.



sparkle snowflake