Do you suffer with oily, acne prone skin? Check out bergamot essential oil benefits! Bergamot Essential Oil is made from the Bergamot Orange tree. Bergamot is a cross between an orange and grapefruit. Bergamot oil is widely used in the perfume industry. It is a distinct flavor in Earl Grey Tea. But there’s more to …
Homemade Udder Balm Most homesteaders have to find natural ways to keep their animals healthy. Since we can’t just run to a local store at the drop of a hat it’s always nice to make use of ingredients we keep on hand. Plus, it’s healthier and cheaper than your local feed store. The family cow …
Have you always wanted to make your own Homemade Aftershave? Or are you looking for homemade aftershave recipes to surprise your man? This is a wonderful recipe for any skin type. This recipe will help you create your own signature and out of the box skin care. This recipe is super simple yet effective. These essential oils …
Do you want to open airways naturally? Without nose sprays and chemicals? This easy DIY method will open airways naturally and clear that tickle in the throat. Steam it UP! The key to soothing that ticklish throat and opening the airways. Have you tried the steam method? It’s a simple method with great results. …
Would you like to make your own homemade cologne? Many cologne recipes contain synthetic ingredients that can be toxic to your health. Try making a healthy, homemade cologne recipe with essential oils. It’s super easy and provides amazing health benefits. Here’s an example of a woodsy men’s cologne recipe. Woodsy Men’s Cologne Recipe Ingredients: …
Ginger ale helps with an upset stomach, but most commercial brands of ginger ale contain little to no ginger, and they’re loaded with sugar and other unwanted additives. The perfect solution is homemade ginger ale. It’s super easy to make homemade ginger ale and only calls for a few ingredients. Homemade ginger ale is an …
Are you ready for a calming and sensual massage? Try this calming sweet massage oil. Super simple to make. This sweet massage oil recipe does triple duty. This sweet oil recipe will relax the body during massage, nourish the skin, and calm emotions with the combination of geranium and ylang ylang oil. Ylang Ylang essential …