So, what’s all the egg hoopla? Is there really much difference in farm vs store eggs? It seems so. According to a recent study on Mother Earth News, farm eggs have 4-6 times more vitamin D. Free range farm eggs also contain: 1⁄3 less cholesterol 1⁄4 less saturated fat 2⁄3 more vitamin A 2 times …
Do you have chicken questions? My husband and I have raised chickens for a few years now. Most people are curious about chickens and how difficult it is to raise them. Here’s 5 common chicken questions we’ve been asked over the years. Does the hen need a rooster in order to lay eggs? No, …
Have you ever tried to peel fresh hard boiled eggs? Farm Fresh? Farm eggs do not easily peel with most methods. Yesterday, I needed to make 3 dozen deviled eggs. I knew I only had fresh eggs on hand so I decided to experiment with the egg boiling process to find the easiest way to …
Do you know there are quite a few ways to make money homesteading? We currently have more of a self reliant homestead, not a business. My husband works outside of the home but because we are frugal in other areas we do well as a one income family. This affords me the luxury of working from home …
My new flock of chickens have started laying so I’ve been thinking about ways to store eggs and thought I’d share it here. Powdered eggs are easy to make, take up little space and store up to a year. They are also great to pack when going on a camping trip and a reliable source …
Does it matter how you place your egg in the carton? Yes, it does and here’s why. Eggs are not completely filled on the inside. If you crack open a hard-boiled egg you see there’s a pocket of air on the wide end of the egg, called the albumen. That pocket of air allows …