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#1 Can You Become Amish? Yes, an outsider can become an Amish community member, but it will be a rare and challenging process. Since most Amish people are born into the religion, it is seldom that a non-Amish member seeks to join by choice. Not only would that outsiderhave to learn Pennsylvania Dutch, the dialect …

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#1 Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Ride Bikes? Jehovah’s Witnesses are a restorationist Christian denomination that is often compared to Mormons. The two Christian denominations have a fair bit in common but also highly-divisive differences that distinguish them from one another. Universally, Mormon missionaries are the denomination seen commonly riding bikes, not Jehovah’s Witnesses. To be …

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#1 Do Southern Baptists Drink? The consensus on drinking in the Southern Baptists church has evolved over time. The chronological order of Southern Baptists’ history with alcohol goes as follows: In the 1800s – Southern Baptists ministers were known to make whiskey and spirits, heavily partaking in the drinking community. They would even incorporate liquor …

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