#1 Why Do Pentecostals Not Believe in the Trinity? Pentecostals believe in an openness and oneness between the three entities of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. With more than 10-million Pentecostals in the United States (nearly half of which are members of the Church of God), Pentecostals subscribe to a belief that …
Religion FAQs
#1 How Are Mennonites and Amish Different? Mennonites and the Amish are often conflated because they are related by their Anabaptist roots. The major difference is that Mennonites drive cars and embrace minimal modern-luxuries (possessing a more casual attitude), while the Amish reject all of these electrical conveniences. There are no limits surrounding technology ownership …
#1 How Do Protestants Worship? Protestantism is a Christian denomination that began in the 16th century Reformation period. As an outward rejection of the Roman Catholic Church’s beliefs, Protestantism was seen as an individualistic rebellion of tradition at the time, which still holds true today. The ways in which Protestants worship are: Together – In …
#1 Do Buddhists Pray? Yes and no. One should first note that Buddhism is a non-theist religion, meaning there is no God or omnipotent authority that Buddhists pray to. Because of this, Buddhists don’t necessarily pray. They moreso engage in an inward prayer of self-reflection, meditation, and stillness. Possessing more than 375-million Buddhists globally, this …
#1 Can You Become Amish? Yes, an outsider can become an Amish community member, but it will be a rare and challenging process. Since most Amish people are born into the religion, it is seldom that a non-Amish member seeks to join by choice. Not only would that outsiderhave to learn Pennsylvania Dutch, the dialect …
#1 How Do Baptists Worship? Baptists worship through the praise and reverence of their Lord, God. Worship is usually conducted in a community-based congregation, which is separated by local areas. As worship is seen as a methodology for speaking with God directly, this dialog can be seen as non-liturgical, able to be done in privacy …
#1 Do Baptists Believe in The Rapture? Yes, Baptists believe in the Rapture and adhere to the teachings of a pretribulation rapture. Just some of the religions that commonly understand the end times to include an apocalypse and return of Jesus in the future include: Fundamentalist Baptists Bible churches Pentecostals Evangelicals The Rapture is not …
#1 Do Evangelicals Celebrate Easter? Yes, Evangelicals celebrate Easter, but others choose to avoid holidays that feel ‘man-made,’ and are not supported by Scripture. The principal feasts or celebrations that are actively included in the Evangelical calendar include: Ascension Christmas Easter Good Friday Pentecost Many Evangelicals will participate in secular additions such as Easter egg …
#1 Do Hindus Believe in Reincarnation? Sometimes referred to as ‘the oldest religion,’ – Hinduism dates back to approximately 1500 B.C., but the precise date is still known. As the third largest religion in the world, the denomination of Hinduism teaches sacred lessons of becoming one with Brahman (the highest priesthood and caste). Within this …
#1 Do Scientologists Believe in Medicine? As a blend of science and spirituality, Scientologists focus on the human body and spirit on earth, rather than believing in a life after death (in heaven or beyond). In regards to how this translates to medicine, Scientologists seek to keep their body strong and healthy, seeking medical attention …