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How To Reset Breaker On Predator Generator

How To Reset Breaker On Predator Generator

Electric current surges are hard to predict even when using a generator. Once in a while, through our fault or the machine’s performance, a generator seems to produce more-than-needed electric energy. If we’re not careful, it could end up damaging any electric device connected to the power source. As a result, a breaker is needed to help cut off the power supply through the sockets when the generator produces high voltage electricity. But how do you reset a breaker once it kicks into action?

Predator generators’ circuit breakers come equipped with a button. You only need to push the button into the ON position to reset them after the electric surge. However, shutting down the generator and restarting using the power switch also works if needed.

That’s not all, as you still need to know what causes a power surge, how to fix a tripped breaker, and how to test a circuit breaker, which you will learn if you read on.

How Can You Reset a Breaker on Predator Generator?

A reset button is located next to the generator’s switch button, and depending on the type of generator, there might be more than one. They also take on different shapes, but they always come with a button. Pushing this button in will help to reset the breaker. Over time, the reset button wears off, requiring replacement.

However, restarting the generator using the power switch also does the trick, but not always. This method also helps to refresh the resets’ number. It’s best to check if the breaker is damaged or working in prime condition.

What Causes the Power Surge?

Power surges result from generator overload, where you plug in more electric devices than the generator can handle. This creates a power surge on the power outlet, triggering the breaker.

To avoid this problem, you’re required to check the maximum power outlet before plugging in appliances. Also, it would help to avoid connecting electrical components that consume a lot of power (like an AC unit) simultaneously with other components.

Sometimes a power surge is caused by a faulty generator that hasn’t undergone proper maintenance. If you haven’t attended to your generator for more than a year and it begins to experience power surges, then it’s time to call a technician to help out.

How to Fix a Tripped Breaker That Doesn’t Reset

Replacing a tripped breaker that refuses to reset is one way of handling the problem. However, you can unplug all the appliances, switch the generator off then on, and plug in the appliances one by one until you find out which appliance is tripping the switch.

Also, it helps to check whether components are overheating in the process and unplug them, as this might cause the breaker to trip. If the generator is not overloaded and the breaker is not resetting, you need to replace the entire switch with a new one.

However, prevention is always better, and you can assure the switches’ lifespan by avoiding overloading the generator. Make sure you only plug in appliances that don’t exceed the generator’s capacity.

How Do I Test a Generator’s Circuit Breaker?

Switch the breaker OFF, then ON, and try the outlet. If this doesn’t work, measure the resistance of the lead wire using a multimeter. If the meter reads any resistance, it means the breaker is good. If you get ‘Infinity’ or ‘Overload’ (OL), it means the breaker is damaged and needs replacing.

Using a multimeter will help you identify if the problem lies with the breaker or the output port. Due to regular plugging and unplugging, it’s easy for the port to get damaged or loose. This, in turn, could affect the electric current flow.

Replacing a breaker is easy for someone who has handled such a thing before. However, it’s always a little safer to inquire about the services of a trained electrician. Also, remember to check if the warranty is still valid before deciding to tamper with the generator, as this will void it.


A Predator generator is very reliable in terms of performance and longevity. However, the breakers are not immune to wear and tear, and when this happens, they need a replacement ASAP. However, sometimes the problem can be fixed by simply switching the generator OFF then ON. If this doesn’t help, try unplugging some electronic components. Power surges are caused by overloading the generator over the allowed capacity. If a breaker keeps tripping, it might need replacing or reducing the load. Using a multimeter will tell you if the breaker is faulty or not.