For most, binoculars are a fun way to view far-away items up close. However, many others experience extreme dizziness when they utilize binoculars. This issue takes the fun right out of the instrument. If it happens again and again, it can be frustrating. What causes dizziness when a person looks through binoculars?
Three things could be causing dizziness when you look into your binoculars. These include:
- Misalignment of the eyepieces
- The rolling ball effect
- Your eyes are damaged
Each of these is likely the cause of your dizziness.
Read on to learn more about each of these reasons why your binoculars may be making you dizzy. Once you locate the problem, you can take care of it as soon as possible and get back to looking at far away items with no issue.
The Eyepieces Are Misaligned
One of the main reasons you could be getting dizzy is the misalignment of your binocular eyepieces. Although they might not seem like they’re out of focus, even the tiniest differences can make your eyeballs send incorrect signals to your brain. You should check this first to see if you can mend the issue with a quick realignment.
If this problem is at the root of your dizziness, there’s a simple way to fix the misalignment. You should do the following:
- Gather supplies: These include items such as a screwdriver set and your binoculars.
- Locate adjustment screws: The screws vary on different binoculars, often covered with rubber.
- Decide which lens needs adjusting: You’ll need to look through the lenses to determine this one.
- Adjust: Next, you can adjust the lenses. The link below can guide you through this process.
- Test: Finally, test your binoculars to see if they’re in better working condition. gives a great visual of this. If this seems too hard, take the binoculars to a local expert to avoid damaging them as you adjust.
If you fix the misalignment and you’re still getting dizzy, it’s likely there is something else at hand. Check out the other two possibilities to ensure you narrow down the problem, and make sure you invest in a quality pair of binoculars, like these Vortex Optics, to avoid misalignment out of the box.
The Rolling Ball Effect
Another reason you might be feeling dizzy is the rolling ball effect. This effect happens when you pan across the horizon with binoculars. Rather than staying in a straight line, the view distorts into a round, globe-like shape. This effect likely won’t happen every time, but when it does, it might make you a little dizzy.
Unfortunately, if you’re prone to the rolling ball effect, it may happen again. If you notice this phenomenon, take it easy and remove the binoculars from your eyes. You can also attempt to pan slower, removing the ability of the effect to spring up in front of you. If you feel dizzy, take a break from looking and allow your eyes time to recover.
Your Eyes Are Damaged
The final reason your binoculars might be making you dizzy is that your eyes are damaged. Sometimes, it’s impossible to notice this until something like binoculars triggers a dizzy spell. If you search for the above two problems and they don’t seem to be the cause of your dizziness, maybe it’s time to get your eyes checked out, just in case.
Some issues that might be causing dizziness because of your eyes include:
- Your eyes are misaligned
- You may need glasses
Though there are more possibilities than these, these are the two most common reasons for dizziness due to the eyes. All of these are fixable if you go in to see a professional for an expert opinion.
If your eyes are the cause of your dizziness, it’s vital to get them taken care of as soon as possible before this issue leaks into other areas of your life. Once you’ve done this, you can get back into viewing the world through one of the most unique tools on the market today.
Binoculars are one of the coolest ways to observe things that are far away. Unfortunately, if you get dizzy when you use binoculars, this experience can quickly turn sour. It’s critical to find the problem and address it right away. Your binoculars could be making you dizzy for one of the above-stated reasons.
Once you’ve found the problem and taken care of it, you can get right back to where you left off. Whether you’re watching a ball game, looking at birds, or scanning the sea, the world is yours once you stop the dizziness that accompanies looking through binoculars. This problem is fixable, so don’t despair.