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Why Won’t My Celestron Telescope Align?

Why Won’t My Celestron Telescope Align?

With the Celestron Telescope, you no longer need to squint when you look up into the night sky. This state-of-the-art device allows you to see stars and planets like never before. However, without the proper alignment, you might have problems getting the perfect shot.

A Celestron Telescope may not align if the coordinates are not correctly set. Users can control these settings by using the dial at the telescope base and the StarPortal app.

This article will give you useful information about aligning your Celestron Telescope. Your problem could be resolved by switching the power supply, configuring your settings, or mapping out the stars’ location in your area. If successful, you could see things that are truly “out of this world.”

Why Your Celestron Telescope Won’t Align

The Celestron Telescope allows you to see stars, planets, and moons with up to 250x magnification. To get an accurate reading, you will need to have your telescope set up to the right coordinates and correctly use the lens.

Here are some possible reasons why you’re not getting the desired visual:

You Are Not at the Right Coordinates

At certain times of the day and night, celestial bodies move positions in the sky. This is because of the earth’s rotation. For instance, suppose that you are trying to locate Polaris, the north star. While it usually stays in the same location, you could have problems finding it depending on where you are at certain times of the night.

If you are trying to find a certain star and are certain that you put in the right coordinates, check the StarPortal app. You can download this on the Google Play or Apple App Store.

To get your Celestron Telescope into position, simply use the dial directly under the telescope. The vertically-placed one adjusts your longitude coordinates. The horizontal one controls your latitudinal coordinates.

The app will give you more information on the particular coordinates you need to hone in on a certain object.

You Have Identified the Wrong Celestial Body

You may think that you have located a star, moon, or planet, but your view is blurred or less than ideal. Make sure that you are looking at the right celestial body. Not only can you consult with the StarPortal app to double-check your findings, but there are other resources online that can help you with this.

Keep in mind that some bodies are only visible in certain seasons and weather conditions. You can do something called “polar align,” which involves using a latitude scale. This will allow you to position your telescope at a set point and use this position to identify stars in the area.

The Telescope Is Not Set Up Correctly

If your telescope was not set up correctly, certain dials might not work as desired. You could also have a problem zooming in and out, as well as moving the objective lens.

To make sure that your telescope was set up right, you can consult your user manual. Here, you can see diagrams that how your telescope should work. You may also be able to identify which component was not installed correctly. You can find your user manual by clicking here.

Make Sure Your Lens Are Clean

Even if you use your Celestron with care, its lens can get cloudy or dirty over time. You can use compressed air to blow away any particles that are obscuring your vision. This will prevent you from further smudging the lens or scratching it.

If you want to wipe your lens down with a solution, use 50 to 70 percent alcohol. To do this, you could use cotton balls or tissue paper.

There’s a Technical Defect

If you believe that your telescope is not properly aligning because of a defect, the issue could be covered under Celestron’s 2-year warranty. Some issues even come with lifetime warranties.

Here are some of your technical support options:

  • You could fill out the form on this page and wait for a representative to get back to you.
  • You could send an email to
  • You could call 1-800-421-9649.

Celestron acknowledges that diving into the world of astronomy can be intimidating. They encourage users to reach out to their support team for help. The information they give you could enhance your overall user experience.

In Conclusion

There could be many reasons why your Celestron Telescope is not aligning. Make sure that you have your device set to the correct settings. If you have trouble finding your position in the night sky, look up “polar alignment” online. This age-old scientific technique has allowed astronomers to find where they are amongst the stars.