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Learning the Human Body Kids Version | Essential Homestead

Human Body Kids Version is a guide to some of the best free online resources to help us teach our kids about the human body.

Below are some of our favorites.

[embedyt][/embedyt] is a great resource on the human body.  This site contains games, activities, videos, quizzes and more.  Below is an example of their labeling activities for most body parts.

SciShowKids is a another resource on youtube.  They have some awesome videos to answer all your child’s inquisitive questions like, “What do we blink or why do we sleep?”
We love the Magic School Bus.  They have a movie on the human body and exploring the senses.
The Magic School Bus Human Body Lab is a great addition to the movie for the hands on learner.  Ms. Frizzle and her students take Young Scientists on a wild ride with The Magic School Bus as they explore the fascinating world of the human body. Young Scientists learn about the anatomy and physiology of the different organ systems through lots of fun and creative experiments and activities such as recreating the human body with cling-on window stickers, building a 17-inch plastic human skeleton, matching fun facts on a poster, making a lung model, measuring a pulse, dilating pupils, exploring touch receptors, finger printing, learning about teeth enamel, making a ball and socket joint, and much, much more!

We also have used this squishy human body many times over our homeschooling journey. The hands-on fun continues as you take apart and re-assemble the 12″ human model with the squishy organs, fitting in the bones and muscles – and then proudly displaying your human body model on the included stand!

We hope you enjoyed our post on “Learning the Human Body Kids Version.”  Comment below with some of your favorite ways you’ve taught your kiddos about the human body.

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If you are interested, make sure to check out the homeschool section on Amazon. You can buy guides and even planners to help you easily get through the homeschool years.