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Ways to Make Money Homesteading | Essential Homestead

Do you know there are quite a few ways to make money homesteading?

We currently have more of a self reliant homestead, not a business.  My husband works outside of the home but because we are frugal in other areas we do well as a one income family.  This affords me the luxury of working from home and homeschooling my children.  It also helps to make money homesteading.
make money homesteading
There are ways to make money even with a smaller scale homestead.

  • Selling eggs – We have a dozen+ chickens so by selling eggs this pays for the cost of the feed and chickens.  So basically, our eggs and meat costs us labor only.
  • Selling Broiler Chickens – When we raise broiler chickens we sell some to friends.  Again, this covers some of the cost for feed and chickens.  Our meat costs us labor and some feed cost.  It’s a win, win because our customers are getting quality meat below organic store prices and we are getting our cost reduced as well.
  • Selling a calf or side of beef – When we have cattle processed we usually sell 1/2 a side and keep 1/2.  This pays for the cost of hay/grain we had in that heifer/steer.  Again, our meat just costs us labor.  We generally have 2 head of cattle to sell a year so the sell of the second one pays the cost of hay for the winter on all of our cattle.  Another option is to get grass fed certified to sell beef to your local butcher at a premium.   We are working on that.
  • Milking a cow – this saves money on milk and even more by making our own cheese, butter, sour cream, etc.  If you live in an area where you can sell your dairy products then all the better.
  • Growing extra vegetables/herbs to sell at the local farmers market.
  • Plant a variety of edible trees – Planting a small orchard or nut trees can save a great deal at the super market.
  • Timbering land – we have timbered our land a few times to pay for the cost of our barn and farm equipment.
  • My essential oil business – I work for a high quality essential oil company with a generous compensation plan.  We save money by making our own cleaning, hygiene and health supplies.  We save money in doctor visits.  By sharing these great oils with others I get my orders paid for and make extra income.   If you are interested in working with me I have leadership positions open.  Go here to get started.  
  • Blogging – Sponsored posts, affiliate links, banner ads and ebooks can give you a good income by blogging but it takes hard work, time and determination. If you have a blog, check out our weekly blog hop. You are welcome to link up with us.
  • Publish a book – self publishing has become easier than ever.  It’s very easy to publish an ebook thru Amazon.

Some ideas I’ve been thinking about for the future are beekeeping and expanding my garden to include specialty items.  Herbs, flowers, etc that will sell in my local area.
So, we don’t put our “eggs” into one basket.  We save money and make money in many ways so we can live our dream and walk in the path God has for us.

Learn More

If you are interested, make sure to check out the Homesteaders section on Amazon. Here, you can find books and guides on how to easily homestead and tips on how to do it better.


Wednesday 16th of December 2015

Thanks for sharing great info!

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