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Easily Peel Fresh Hard Boiled Eggs | Essential Homestead

Have you ever tried to peel fresh hard boiled eggs?  Farm Fresh?

Farm eggs do not easily peel with most methods.  Yesterday, I needed to make 3 dozen deviled eggs.  I knew I only had fresh eggs on hand so I decided to experiment with the egg boiling process to find the easiest way to peel fresh hard boiled eggs.
peel fresh hard boiled eggs
There are lots of suggestions but here’s a few things I tried:

  • Placing the eggs in water and bring them slowly to a boil.  Boiling 20 minutes and letting them cool on their own.  (This was a disaster for my farm eggs)
  • Bringing water to a boil then boiling room temperature eggs for 10 minutes and placing in cold water until cool enough to handle.  (This was still hard to peel but better)
    • I decided to try this method again but adding salt, vinegar or baking soda.   All 3 worked equally well.  The baking soda worked a little better than the others.  Most of my eggs turned out perfect and easy to peel.
  • Next, I tried steaming.  This seems to be a popular method among homesteaders.  So I got my steaming insert out and placed it on top of a sauce pan with 3 inches of water.

peel fresh hard boiled eggs
I placed the eggs in the steaming pan, covered them and brought the water to a boil.  I boiled for 20 min.  I then dumped them into a bowl of cold water.  They peeled easily.  A little easier than the baking soda method.
peel fresh hard boiled eggs
I then decided to try a trick I saw on youtube.  You place the egg in a jar filled with half water.
peel fresh hard boiled eggs
Screw on the lid and give it a shake.
peel fresh hard boiled eggs
The steamed eggs peeled easily this way.
peel fresh hard boiled eggs
Most shells came off almost whole!
peel fresh hard boiled eggs
Look at those beautiful eggs!!
peel fresh hard boiled eggs
At this point, I still wasn’t sure which method I liked best:  baking soda or steaming.  Once I broke open the eggs I discovered the yokes from the steamed eggs easily peel nice and clean.  Minimal yoke residue left on the egg.  So, steaming is my method of choice.  Give it a try, I think you’ll like it.

Learn More

If you are interested, make sure to check out the Homesteaders section on Amazon. Here, you can find books and guides on how to easily homestead and tips on how to do it better.

Elizabeth Bayless

Tuesday 3rd of April 2018

I may need to try the steam method just for kicks. I recently read about the baking soda method. I typically put olive oil in my water, boil for 9 minutes (who on earth boils for 20 minutes?) and rinse in cold water. They’ve peeled easily so far.


Wednesday 16th of December 2015

Oh I need to try the steaming/shaking method! We always seem to have problems peeling our eggs.. the baking soda, salt, or vinegar methods never seem to work very well for us...

Wednesday 16th of December 2015

Yes. I'm in love with steaming now. :)

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