The Cliq chair is a camping chair designed for convenience and portability. Because of its small size, the Cliq chair can be taken on backpacking hikes and camping trips, sporting events, or music concerts. When fully collapsed, the Cliq chair is about the size of a water bottle. The reviews for Cliq chairs are very …
Either by accident or on purpose, you’ve come across the bottle-sized chair by CLIQ. At first glance, it’s everything you need to enjoy the campfire, a beach outing, soccer and baseball games, and more. But, due to its steep price, you pause to determine if it is worth it. If you aren’t sure whether you …
For gamers, floor gaming chairs provide a comfortable, up-close way to play video games. Whether you’re forty or four, there’s an option out there for you. But, if you want a floor gaming chair, there are tons of options. How do you pick an excellent one that will work well for both kids and adults? …
If you have a gaming space, you know that a gaming chair is a critical part of the setup. It’s vital that this chair is comfortable, looks good, and has excellent sound. Chairs with Bluetooth speakers are the best because they provide immersion of a whole new level. But, what are the best BlueTooth gaming …
One of the best gaming decisions you can make is to purchase a two-in-on gaming chair and monitor. These pieces of gaming equipment no only eradicate the need for a gaming desk and other common necessities, but it also provides a much more immersive gaming experience, particularly for racing and other vehicular-oriented games. That being …
Gaming is an exhaustive activity that requires sitting for hours. As a result, you might start to experience back, neck, and shoulder pains associated with being stationary for extended periods. A seat offering comfort is crucial to any gamer, and that’s why you don’t need a good one but a great gaming seat. The manufacturers …
What’s better than propping your feet up and settling into a long gaming session? Well with a gaming chair/footrest combo, you can do just that. Still, with so many different gaming chairs online, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. In our guide below, we will help you with that …
Long gaming sessions can be an absolute killer on the back if you don’t have a proper place to sit. Which is why today, we’ll be going over 5 gaming chairs for the Xbox gamer. Not only is it nice to have a comfortable place to sit, but minimizing neck and back pain is good …
A gamer’s setup is something that many take pride in. From creating the perfect system to be color-coordinated with the tower, keyboard, screen, and microphone to the lights and decorations on the walls and desk. One other part of a gamer’s setup that is essential to the aesthetic is their chair. A gamer’s chair not …
An intense gaming session could easily put you on the edge of your seat, but when you find your feet are still dangling in the air from this position, it immediately ruins some of the fun. One of the essential and often star components of a gamer’s setup is the vibrant and sleekly designed gamer …