I’ll give you 15 tips how to improve your powers of seduction, and to apply this for Croatian Girls. This 15 little ways will help you to make a big difference in your game. Croatian girls love this, and if you apply it, be sure you will succeed. Also if you want to know top 10 reasons why you should date a croatian check that post HERE. But let’s now see how to date a croatian girl by these steps.
1. Take it slow
What matters most to seduce a woman is that it takes time. Do not try to take her to bed too early and miss any chance you’ve had with her. Be patient, that’s the virtue. The woman wants you to run around her, if you can’t do this, then this is not the game for you.
2. Dress like a Gentleman
Of course, the first impression is most important. If you do not leave good first impression, I doubt you’ll get a second chance with Croatian girls again. You have to be ready to sacrifice and dress yourself as best you can,otherwise she will not be impressed with you. Of course you do not need to wear some expensive jackets, but putting on a nice shirt and some fancy shoes shows her that you care enough to make the effort.
3. Select a Place
When it comes to seduction,the place where you are is great feature. Make sure you choose a very nice and romantic place so you have plenty of opportunities to do something unique and special. She wants that night to feel special.
4. Listen to What She Says
Women do not like when men do not listen to them. Try to make the impression that it feels like she is the only woman in the room while talking with you. Do not just smile and laugh,try to participate in that communication and ask her many questions. Women like that.
5. Keep the Conversation Flowing
The worst thing you can do is to be quiet, because it will kill the atmosphere completely with the girl you are with. Make sure you get prepared with a lot of talk topics, so when she starts the story, you can easily add a new one or join her story.
6. Need to Know Woman Body Language
Another very important thing is knowledge of body language. You must know to recognize her body language. If she feels nervous that you can recognize it and relax her. If she sees that you are relaxed and you rule over by situation, she will also calm down because she is beside you and she will feel safe.
7. Be a Gentleman
Being a real gentleman is what women are most attracted to. You have to be a step ahead of her, so you do the right things at the right time. Open the door for her, pull out the chair, pick her up in front of the room. These are old manners that never go out of style.
8. Women Love eye contact
Women love when a man has attractive eye contact and self-confident. There are men who are afraid to look women into eyes, avoiding it as much as possible and that is what women do not like, thus rejecting them.Be a man!
9. Be a Confidence Man
Also, what is very important is your voice. Women like men who talk confidently and loudly. Everything you are talking about , talk with a certain amount of confidence and she will certainly notice it. You’ll be even more attractive to her.
10. Learn to Flirt
If you behave charmingly and seductively to her, she will also feel special and beautiful, and that is what you want. Feel free to give her some compliment to create a relaxed atmosphere.
11. Women Love humorous Guys
We talked that women love relaxed atmosphere, and yet another way to achieve this is through the humorous conversations. Tell a couple of jokes or anecdotes that have happened to you and she will accompany them with a smile on her face.
12. Get Cozy
To seduce a woman you need to know few things, but one of the most important is getting close and cozy. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes to you to approach her but do it with style. Do not overdo it.
13. Be romantic Gentleman
It’s known that women fall for romance. You must be kind, complimentary, unique and gentle. Try to be surprise her by doing some things she will not expect. It does not have to be material, it is only important to surprise her and she will feel special besides you.
14. Patience is a virtue
Remember that the true seduction lies in choosing the right time and combinations of approaching so that the woman you are trying to seduce feels relaxed and that there is no forcing or pressuring. It comes with experience and training, so you need to practice that.
15. Raise Your Value
You have to keep her in uncertainty sometimes. Think of the way you will do that, because every situation is individual. Make sure she wants to see you again so she count the days until your next meting.

How to seduce and date the Croatian girl? Every new Country you come, has its own culture. If you want to find a girl in Croatia, you need to adapt to that culture and follow its rules. We will explain the best ways of winning girls in Croatia. There are some things you have to know about Croatians before you start to seduce them. The Croatian girls are world famous for its beauty, so all tourists who intend to visit our country need to know some things about them. HERE I also wrote about top 10 reasons why you should date them. So let’s start.
1. They show their real faces later
The biggest flaw in Croatia is the likelihood of criticism, as well as the fact that during the conversation they tend to be condemned on the basis of a misleading statement or just one word. The more confident the girl has, the more likely she will be critical in the conversation. You need to talk to them relaxed and through the jokes, so that they get the feeling that they know you and that they can open to you. Once you have a relaxed atmosphere you can go further.
2. They are Opened Type of Girls
You can ask them anything, you do not need to worry about it. Girls who have boys will not hesitate to talk to you, and the fact that they are taken will say later only if you ask them directly. The possibilities for the flirt with them are enormous. You just have to show that you are an interesting and relaxed person and you will get a great deal of respect by them.
3. You Have to Isolate Them
A call to walk is a key step in winning, because the Croatian girls are much more defensive in the groups. By getting the girl out of her company and isolating,you have more chance to attract her attention. Also, the Croatian girls will enjoy the most in philosophical discussions and they will say that they are “different from others”. Life needs to be spent on enjoyment, and Croatian girls know how to do that properly, appreciate good food, good drinks and rest. The café bars are always full, and that is a ritual for them. It is not even important who will pay for those drinks.
4. Very Attractive Girls are Looking for Sponsors.
Women who are looking for a man to pay them for drinks are easy to spot. It’s everywhere in the world situation like that. They are always top- decorated, and it’s not important whether you’re a criminal or a mafia, for them it is important that you have money. The cause of this behaviour is a very bad economic situation in Croatia, which opens the possibility that if you are successful and rich man in Croatia you have countless possibilities.It is up to you to decide exactly what you want from them.
5.Croatian Girls have a lot of Passion
Croatian girls are passionate people, and this is evident in almost everything they do. They are passionate about music, politics, relationships, love, hate. In general, the Croatian people most despise those who have no passion in themselves and they are apathetic. Therefore, do not be passive and gentle. Even if women fall in love with you, they will wait months to make the first step, so you as a man must take the initiative or you can wait forever. You have nothing to lose, so relax freely and show them your passion.
6. A Men initiative is needed.
The Croatian girls are not women who will easily reach men, they usually want men to approach them and start to flirt with them. But that is so much less everywhere in the world.Even if someone likes them, they will wait for months without taking anything concrete, so if you want something, then take the initiative. Girls and women over the age of 30 are very experienced in flirt and love games and are constantly testing you in conversation. This does not have to be true with all girls, but that is the impression I got. It is up to you to decide.
7. Show some respect
Croatians are proud people, and as the demonstration of disrespect is a sure map for rejection around the world, not just in Croatia. It’s good to show Croatian girl a bit of admiration for her country, culture, history, sport and the beauty. Still, the admiration should be moderate so that it does not sound faded and lazy. Croatian girls will more appreciate a man with an attitude. The worst thing you can do is stick to everything she says – it shows a lack of character and a desperate desire to please her and she will lose interest in you. The Croatian girls love little challenges, especially in someone who will make them think about their attitudes or things to look with new eyes. If you have not been respected so far, you will at least learn it in Croatia.
8. Croatian girls love to drink
It can be said that Croatian people are a people who generally drink a lot. It’s not just about beer and wine, though it’s the most common drink. If you are not one of those who can or should drink, you better stay on a couple of drinks, and spend the rest of the night at water. Try to drink drinks that will less effect on you, its better for you so you don’t end up on the floor and leave a bad first impression on her.
Here’s what to do if you want to win the Croatian Girl

Croatian girls are known around the world for their beauty, but it is not easy to win them. I decided to help all of you who came to Croatia, and I put together a list of things that Croatian girls can not remain immune to. So if you want to win them, you will have to put a lot of effort.
You need to know their Culture
Croatian girls have impressive general knowledge, and since they are from small country they had to learn a few more languages, a lot of history and geography throughout the world. The fact is that you probably do not know much about Croatia, but if you want to seduce a Croatian girl, it’s important not to make an elementary mistake and not know anything about her country. The Croatian girls will respond to it drily and undercut, and the discussion with the girls will noted well. Just Imagine no one heard about your country and where you were born and shows no interest in that? It would be less appealing in every respect, so be sure to avoid it and leave a better impression on her.
Learn about Croatian Culture and Culture of Balkan
Croatians have an impressive general culture. As we live in a small country, we had to learn a few languages, geography and history of the whole World. You probably didn’t have to learn so much about our little country, but do not make a common mistake and not know anything about Croatian culture and history.
Do not say something stupid about Yugoslavia (there are still people who believe that Yugoslavia still exists – you have to know some basic facts). Our rich general knowledge makes us a little cheeky, so make sure you know a little bit of facts before you start discussing with Croat. Otherwise, prepare for the lesson. After all,you will get a great deal of respect from her if you show that you know or are interested in some things around Croatia. She will also clarify some things to you so you can understand it if necessary.
Try to Learn some Words on Croatia Language.
Yes, our language is difficult. Yes, our names and surnames make it impossible to pronounce. No,nobody has ever said it right (even sport commentators regularly make mistakes by saying the names of Croatian athletes). However, we greatly appreciate when someone tries to learn something in Croatian. In addition, the emphasis (which strangers can not avoid when trying to speak Croatian) is interesting and very attractive, so you will surely earn that extra bonus with Croat. After all, it can be fun to pronounce someone’s name and train it at the same time. Try to be creative, let her have a bit of a touch with your tongue. Your goal is to have fun and start some topic.
You Need to be a Gentleman.
Life should consist of enjoyment. So, we love eating well, having a good drink and we love to enjoy life as much as we can, which means we will not always work hard. If you go to the centers of Croatian cities during your working hours you will be surprised by the number of people in restaurants and bars. If you want to go out with the Croatian girls, you should not be scared. In Croatia, nobody pays their own. Never. And that does not just mean that men are paying everything.Women pay also, and men pay, but nobody pays for themselves alone. An explanation for this is very simple, for coffee or dinner you go with people to whom you care about, and if you are good to them, then you want to honour them and they want to honour you.
You Need to be Patient with the Croatian Girls
Croatia has an expression that can be applied to almost every aspect of life and is the life motive for most of us. “Take your time” means we are not rushing anywhere so stay calm. Drinking coffee takes hours, coming to the part you love after the compound lasts longer and so on. Do not hurry things up. If your girl is taking longer to get ready, let it go. However, she is getting ready for you and it is the price it is worth to sacrifice. When you sit for a dinner or a drink, let her decide when the time is right, let her keep pace, because you still want to win her. As soon as you go out with her, it means you have more than enough time you’re willing to invest for that evening.
Learn More
If you are interested in learning more about dating, then consider checking out this book about dating on Amazon.